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Another Day, Another Wiki'd


For the third week in the Wiki'd Challenge we are looking at Nikola Tesla. An Austrian born electrical engineer. As one of his achievements was creating the first electric light and Yay for that! I mean could you imaging painting your nails by candle light! I have gone with an electric mani.  But I imagine not what your thinking of. For this challenge I have painted another form of electric on my nails, the one made by Mother Nature herself.  
For my lightening mani I started off with a sparkly black polish, lightly sponged some white, dark blue and pink polish, but not totally covering the base colour. With the very tip of the sponge I made lines for the lightening strikes. I then painted over these with white polish and a very thin liner brush.
Top coated and done. Another first for me doing this, and I did say at the start of the year I wanted to try new things/mani's. 
What so you think?

Perfect for the way the weather is in the UK at the moment!!
You can take a look at all the Wiki'd Challenges as they happen by clicking here, till next time stay safe and much love...

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