Image plates used were fauxnad m40, D14 and Big SdP-A with Konad white and black special polishes and the Sally Hansen Insta-dri in red.
Here's mani before stamping: Used OPI Alpine Snow for white, Sally Hansen Insta-dri unnamed red and, because I had no black polish on hand as I was on holidays and only had a few polishes with me, I used a black striping pen (the kind you can write with like a pen but it also has a brush)! It was a good alternative as it was so well pigmented and it did the job nicely!
Sorry for the lack of posts the last couple of weeks! I've been on holidays. While I had every intention of posting my manis while I was away, unfortunately, when up in cottage country, sometimes the internet signal isn't the best and I wasn't able to stay connected long enough to upload pix. I'll have to do a couple catchup posts of my mani's while I way away along with a few pix from my holidays if you want to see what I was up to!
Thx for looking!
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