Kylie Jenner got a new hairdo and dumbasses all over the internet had a shit fit. Okay, I'm paraphrasing, but that's essentially what the source story claimed. And maybe it's right. Maybe dumbshits everywhere care that much about Kylie's new hairdo. Frankly, it's why I wrote this. You see, I wrote this because the Internet's dumbass population is a pretty important, and gigantic demographic, because the internet is overwhelmingly populated by dumbasses.
Go ahead, look around, and I think you'll see what I mean pretty quickly. You can start with websites that are full of people that think an 80 year old communist crackpot, with a bad heart, could actually be elected the President of a center-right country, right in the middle of the best economy it's experienced since basically WWII, and maybe in it's entire history. They most likely think that because their electric shocks are probably wearing off. Well...I got some bad news for you because that's never going to happen. But go ahead and look anyway. It's enlightening stuff.
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