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Can't We All Just Get Along!

     Today's post is going to be very different form anything I've post before. There is no pretty polish to share with you, there is no giveaway. Just something I need to get off my chest and I am going to apologize right now because I'm a little heated and might not be able to bite my tongue. There is a thread going on in a group right now that has pushed me to the edge. In fact I seriously considered deleting my blog and fb because I'm just that frustrated. 

    For the last 3 years I have immersed myself in the nail polish community. I have learned a lot from everyone I have encountered. Some of what I've learned is what to do and some of it has been what not to do. And honestly this post might be one of those what not to do things. But I cant just ignore this anymore. 

      I have always tried to keep a positive attitude, my page and blog have been 100% drama free. ( I have all of you to thank for that!) But lately it seems like this wonderful community that I have fallen in love with has turned into an us against them situation. It's bloggers against makers. Makers against bloggers, Instagrammers vs bloggers and it needs to stop!

    Why are we against each other? And why do we lump people into these labels? I understand that there are a few bad seeds out there but that's true in every single aspect of life. Why are we letting these few ruin things? 

     So there's a new maker out there who has unrealistic ideas about how they want their polish reviewed. If your not comfortable with it just don't work with them. Or start a conversation with them about what you will and wont do and see if you can come to a compromise. They  might be thinking it doesn't hurt to ask, or they might just not know any better. There is no need to start some long "maker bashing" thread in a group your in about it. I mean really what is the point? And I'm not talking about the threads where your asking for advice on how to handle a situation you're not comfortable with. I'm talking about the "OMG do you believe the nerve of maker xyz actually charging for samples? types of threads.

    Or say there's a new blogger out there who really doesn't know how to go about starting relationships with makers. What is solved by the maker posting about how annoyed they are with "beggers" or their perfect requirements from swatchers? I'm sure makers get requests for samples all day every day and I too would get annoyed. But isn't it more professional to have a standard  e-mail pointing them to a blogger request form? All the requirements are usually listed and the one's who don't make the cut can be weeded out. 

     And yes I agree that swatchers and blogger are totally different. One is more photo driven meant for quick browsing and the other is more indept and informative. Why should we be judged on how we choose to share our love of nail polish and nail art? Neither one is better than the other. One option just happens to work out for that person better than the other. We all love polish, we all love painting our nails and sharing it so why is there so much judgement being thrown around? 

     This whole bloggers need to do what maker want and makers need to do what bloggers want will never get us anywhere.  Everyone of us is unique and brings something different to the table. But thats's what makes blogging so great, there's room for everybody! If you don't like something either remove yourself from the situation or see if a productive conversation can be started. 

     I hear all the time that this community has changed a lot in the last 3 years and I completely agree. There are a million blogs out there, there are more makers than I can keep up with. There's plenty to go around for everyone. Don't like how someone does business? Move on to the next one. Don't like the way someone takes photographs? Move on. There are a few rules that be to be followed  yes but for the most part blogging is a personal thing and should be different for each of us. Running a small business is also personal and needs to be somewhat unique. Who wants to be able to buy the exact same thing from every shop? All the negativity is tearing this community apart. Not a single one of us is perfect so why are we pointing out each others flaws? Is it jealously, insecurity, or the need to feel validated?

    Who fucking cares what someone else is doing! It's really doesn't effect you, unless you react to it. And that says more about you than them.  I say just be you and don't worry about everyone else. If someone is doing something shady people will notice all on their own, without some big witch hunt. If someone is doing something illegal report it to the appropriate source. This us against them thing is pointless. I just want to paint my nails and share the experience with people who love it as much as I do. 

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