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Jams of the Week

Cheap Thrill Jam: Target Jewelry

I always have mixed feelings about Target jewelry. On the one hand, it's not made to last beyond the season. On the other hand, it's always on trend, never more so than right now. Seriously, almost anything you would normally buy at J.Crew, Bauble Bar, etc. is being knocked off at your local Target. Part of me feels righteous indignation, because they seriously have to stop stealing ideas. But the other part of me is like, mental note Amber, never spend money on jewelry from Anthropologie because it will be at Target next week.

Music Jam: "We Do Parties" by Deerhoof

I giggled when I went to check out Deerhoof's Wikipedia page to learn more because it describes the band perfectly: "Known for being high energy, unpredictable and difficult to classify, Deerhoof has maintained that they never knew what kind of music they would create next..." This song is interesting because it has a summery bouyancy that dissolves into chaos by the end. I can't tell you why I like it really...I just do.

Reading Now: "Furious Love" by Sam Kashner

I just started this book last night and it's already really captivating. My sister-in-law got it for me as a Christmas present and it feels like I'm in high school again because back then, movie star biographies were about the only thing I read for fun. Richard Burton, aside from being a glorious drunk, was also a glorious letter-writer. And obsessed with breasts.

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