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"Malibu" by Fly By Midnight - Single Review

   Indie retro-pop duo Fly By Midnight are quickly catching up to the mainstream. Following viral, R&B-leaning hit "Vibe", Justin Bryte and Justin Slavo return with a tribute to rekindled love and the unpredictable 1980s.

   Racking up views and garnering attention with original material and unique cover mashups since their "Brooklyn" debut, the two artists now present the cinematic and atmospheric "Malibu", a lush and intoxicating release that finds the duo fixated on a lover from their past. In fact, the lovesick gentlemen cannot seem to think about anything else but the passionate affair from long ago, resulting in an authentic and warm performance that could very well be their strongest release to date.

   "Malibu" carries a sense of life-altering nostalgia, highlighting a moment in both artists' lives when being with someone completely out of their league was worth reliving the youthful high school days over and over again. Though the lyrical content literally describes a girl and her car on the surface, underneath the message is more heated and risque: the spark igniting, the controlled patience finally paying off, not worry about the consequences and living in the priceless moment.

   Though smooth and comforting vocal performances from both Bryte and Slavo assist with a colorful progression on the new release, it is the revealing songwriting and encompassing production that blend to create a relatable and memorable experience for the listener. "Your boyfriend, he told you, he misses the old you, but right now, we’re parked, and my seatbelt’s unfastened, I know this is something, you say we’re just fuckin’," the likely oblivious duo belts on the solid second verse in braggadocious fashion.

   The artists deliver the provocative material with such endearing conviction and sincerity that one may feel compelled to hop in the same vintage car with Bryte and Slavo, however, "Malibu" becomes nothing more than juveniles having their sensual dream come true and running to tell their eager friends the entire story. They believe they've encountered a love ever-lasting, the girl chalks it up to a one-night stand. Either way, score one for the underdog.

   "With every single we've released we've wanted to give fans and new listeners something different," Bryte says. "'Malibu' is a nostalgic late night adventure described in about three minutes. It's a ride... literally... that we felt resonated with a time and emotion we went through in our high school days."

   Overall, the throwback nature of "Malibu" allows Fly By Midnight to excel in yet another complex and infectious musical environment. The synth-pop influence is tried-and-true but the slight tweaks bring the release to the present, carefully blending the two eras to conform to the duo's trademark sound and style. While the boys share an "epic reminder" of the good ole days, they have also given their fans a reminder of their talent and love for creating something timeless.

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